Article 3 Marriage upon arbitrary decision by any third party, mercenary marriage and any other acts of interference in the freedom of marriage shall be prohibited. 第三条禁止包办、买卖婚姻和其他干涉婚姻自由的行为。
Article 103 Citizens shall enjoy the right of marriage by choice. Mercenary marriages, marriages upon arbitrary decision by any third party and any other acts of interference in the freedom of marriage shall be prohibited. 第一百零三条公民享有婚姻自主权,禁止买卖、包办婚姻和其他干涉婚姻自由的行为。
Arranged or mercenary marriage and any other acts of interference with the freedom of marriage are forbidden. 包办、买卖婚姻和其他任何干涉婚姻自由的行为都是被禁止的。
Full freedom of marriage can therefore only be generally established when the abolition of capitalist production and of the property relations created by it has removed all the accompanying economic considerations which still exert such a powerful influence on the choice of a marriage partner. 因此,结婚的充分自由,只有在消灭了资本主义生产和它所造成的财产关系,从而把今日对选择配偶还有巨大影响的一切附加的经济考虑消除以后,才能普遍实现。
Article 37 the freedom of marriage of Hong Kong residents and their right to raise a family freely shall be protected by law. 第三十七条香港居民的婚姻自由和自愿生育的权利受法律保护。
As a result, the ideas of the equality between men and women and freedom of marriage became deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and women's status was greatly raised. 《婚姻法》的颁布、宣传和实施,使男女平等和婚姻自由的思想深入人心,有力地提高了妇女的地位。
Song argued that women should be granted the freedom of marriage, including freedom of marrying and divorcing as well as prohibition of marrying at an early age. 他的婚姻家庭思想主要包括:要求给予妇女婚姻自由,包括结婚自由、离婚自由、禁止早婚等。
Reflection on the "Violence" in the Crime of Violence to Interfere the Freedom of Marriage 暴力干涉婚姻自由罪之暴力反思
On the question of a widow remarry, the adopted attitude was rather loose from any one before or after the Tang times that had left much freedom of marriage for women of the Tang dynasty, but there were not much cases in the practice. 妇女再嫁问题上,由于唐代采取了较宽松的态度,给唐代敦煌女性较大的自由选择余地,但真正实践的人却很少。
Under the nurture of the May4th new thought, numerous intellectuals request the personalized liberation, in pursuit of freedom of marriage. 在五四新思想的熏陶下,无数知识分子要求个性解放、追求婚姻自由。
On the Evolution and Legislative Perfection of Marriage Ban under the Principle of Freedom of Marriage 试论结婚自由原则下禁婚要件的变迁及其立法完善
For freedom of marriage by the woman, always find a marriage for her to lose more freely. 借婚姻争取自由的女人,总会发现婚姻让她失去更多自由。
Since Modern Liberation Movement, freedom of marriage has been a common sense in people's mind. 现代解放运动以来,婚姻自由也成为人们意识中的一种常识。
The state also pays special attention to protecting women's right to freedom of choice in marriage and forbids mercenary and arranged marriages and other acts of interference in other people's freedom of marriage. 国家特别重视保护妇女的婚姻自主权,禁止买卖、包办婚姻和其他干涉婚姻自方的行为。
There are improvements on the aspects of getting married, divorce, husband-wife properties and legal responsibilities, which further protects basic principles of freedom of marriage, equality of men and women etc., thus realizing the organic combination of rule by law and rule by morality. 在结婚、离婚、夫妻财产和法律责任制度等方面均有所完善,进一步保障了婚姻自由和男女平等的基本原则,实现了法治与德治的有机结合。
It promulgates the emancipation of man's individual character, the freedom of marriage is not the good medicine if it has only depended on individual self-struggle, but through society's radical transformation and liberate this kind of literature proposition to gain the true freedom. 揭示了个性解放、婚姻自由单靠个人自我奋斗不是良药,只有通过社会的根本变革才能获取真正的自由和解放这样一个文学命题。
While attacking feudal ethics and advocating freedom of marriage Wang Shi-pu exposed and satirized Buddhism in the West Chamber. 《西厢记》在抨击封建礼教、主张青年男女婚姻自主的同时,对佛教亦进行了嘲讽与揭露。
His works deal with such problems as freedom of marriage, ban of foot-binding, establishment of schools for women, prohibition of prostitution and the dual moral standards for men and women in feudal society. 他的著作涉及了男女婚姻自由、女子缠足、兴办女学、严禁娼妓以及封建社会中对男女道德评价的二重标准等问题。
Freedom of marriage indicates the natural person's free intention and the internal value of marriage law. Meanwhile, it is also a definition and recognition of marital autonomy. 婚姻自由体现的是自然人对自己自由意志的支配,是婚姻内在价值的体现,是对婚姻自主权的肯定和界定。
Freedom of marriage includes freedom of both marriage and divorce, which coexist and constitute the whole content of freedom of marriage. 婚姻自由包括结婚自由和离婚自由,二者不可偏废,共同构成了婚姻自由的完整内容。
Stressing freedom of marriage equality and resolutely safeguard the rights and interests of women are two notable features of the new marriage law. 强调婚姻自由平等和坚决维护妇女权益是新婚姻法的两个显著特点。
With the development of society, we are already familiar with the idea of freedom of marriage. 伴随社会的逐步发展,婚姻自由的观念已为大家所熟知。
Modern Chinese marriage and family law has not made terms of engagement in order to thoroughly implement the principle of freedom of marriage. 现代中国婚姻家庭法为了彻底贯彻婚姻自由原则而在新中国成立后的历部婚姻法及例次颁布的婚姻登记条件中均未对婚约作出明文规定。
Secondly, to the marriage ethics that was an important component family of the family ethics, Hu Shi Put forward many important thoughts such as love-based marriage, the freedom of marriage, equal virginity thought between men and women. 二是对作为家庭伦理重要组成部分的婚姻伦理,胡适提出了以爱情为基础的婚恋观和男女平等的贞操观等思想。
In the respects of reconstructing our society, he publicized the thoughts of society-reconstructing actively, claimed society-reconstructing completely, and advocated the freedom of marriage and emancipation of women. 在社会改造方面,积极鼓吹社会改造思想,主张彻底改造社会,提倡婚姻自由和妇女解放。
The nature of the loyal agreement of husband and wife is a kind of freedom of contract which will not endanger the freedom of marriage. If the freedom of contract of one marriage party damages to the other one, the law will be adjust it. 夫妻忠实协议本质是一种契约自由,其并不会危害婚姻自由,如果婚姻当事人的契约自由危害到一方的离婚自由,法律可以对婚姻当事人的协议进行调整。
After new China was founded, China has enacted the Marriage Law and two Amendments of the Marriage Law of 2001 based on the considerations of the principle of safeguarding the freedom of marriage and rejecting the feudal tradition which has no expressly regulations for betrothal. 新中国成立后,我国先后颁行的两部婚姻法及2001年的婚姻法修正案出于对婚姻自由原则的维护以及摒弃封建传统的考虑,都没有对婚约进行明文规定。
In compliance with the freedom of marriage spirit, accords with modern legal system of justice, freedom, and the pursuit of efficiency. 其符合婚姻自由的精神,符合现代法律制度对正义、自由、效率的追求。
Second, marriage is an important aspect of the lives of women, the status of women in marriage and changes freedom of marriage both through changes in appearance to reflect the wedding dress. 其次婚姻生活是女性生活的重要方面,女性在婚姻中地位的变化,婚姻自由度的变化都通过女性婚礼服在民国前后的变化这一表象进行体现。